How To Get Big Biceps – The New Alternative Synthol Solution
Here is My FREE Bonus to you all ! How to get big biceps!
Most bodybuilders struggle to improve the size and shape of their biceps. I have attached a workout below that is designed to build muscle mass and improve definiton and shape. What is more, I shall also simultaneously increase your lifts by and average of 100 % (all though in some cases ad much as 250%) on the major lift for this muscle group.
So how am I going to support my fantastic claims? I’m going to give you a incredibly intense three minute arm routine unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever experienced. Feel every muscle fiber contract and fatigue. Feel the rush of power and strength as you break every physical barrier you thought you had. Experience Isometrics!
Giant Sets
If you are unfamiliar with “giant sets”, let me try to simplify it for you. In the first “giant set” you will do 12 reps of everything on the first round. As the chart shows, you will start with the dumbell scott curl,than without any rest move onto the ez-bar preacher curl, than go straight to the seated dumbell curl, than the incline bench dumbell curl – Those 4 exercises count as 1 “giant set”. Than you can take a few minutes rest, add a little weight, and repeat that cycle, only this time you will be doing 10 reps of each (not 12). So for the first giant set you are doing 12 reps, On round 2 you will do 10 reps, than finally 6 reps.
The last 2 excersices indicated on the chart are not supersetted with anything. ONe shows 4 sets of 10, and the other shows 3 sets of 10. If you even become confused on what an excercise it, simply go to youtube or google images.
Isometrics is not a cutting edge new discovery for gaining mass. It’s not a supplement. It is in fact one of the oldest methods of strength training devised, forgotten until now. It is the contraction of a muscle without the shortening of a joint – In other words, tensing the muscle as hard as possible without moving. I’m going to show you how to apply it to three major lifts, 1 for the biceps, triceps and forearms.
You’ll need a smith machine to perform these exercises safely.
How To Get Bulging Biceps
Warm up your biceps with a few light dumbbell or barbell curls. Nothing too taxing just enough to get them nice and warm, the blood flowing. You’re going to need it.
1. Stand in the Smyth Machine.
2. Place an empty Bar at about shoulder height (you may have to vary this to ensure the maximum effect).
3. Bring your hands up to the bar as though you have just reached the top of a barbell curl. Set it an inch below.
4. Keep you back straight, your abs tense.
5. Your biceps should be close to fully flexed at this stage. Relax, we haven’t put any weight on the bar yet.
6. Load the bar with a LOT of weight. Don’t underestimate your self.
7. The object of the exercise is to raise the bar a little more than an inch. That’s it. Just an inch and then hold it there for 7 seconds.
8. If you can hold it longer than 7 add more weight. Anything less, take some weight off.
9. All you are doing to raise the bar is contract your biceps as hard as you can. At no time should your elbows be directly beneath the bar.
10. Really tense your biceps and forearms for all they are worth.
11. You will feel the blood rush, the muscles scream and an intensity few will ever experience.
12. Then rest. Take a week off training the biceps.
13. Buy some new shirts.
Have fun showing the new muscle !
When it comes to training for muscle growth, the following exercises are the big guns, for big muscle gains.
Dead Lifts – Squat – Bench Press – Military Press – Bent Over Barbell Row
There are whole universes of exercises you can utilise but the above exercises are considered the grand daddy of all muscle growth-training regimes. Exercises that increase muscle mass such as those listed above, are considered “compound” movements. This means that you are using multi joint movements that target a wide range of muscle groups for maximum muscle growth.
With compound exercise regimes you facilitate a natural anabolic state. This means that taxing the muscles, increases your ability to grow muscle, as natural growth hormones are released to help repair damaged muscle tissue from intense activity. Good nutrition will help replenish depleted muscle glycogen stores and help you maximise your muscle growth.
To maximize your muscle growth after building a solid base, try the compound exercises stated above. Remember to rest, drink plenty of fluids and maintain a wholesome diet full of variety and natural foods. Supplements are not the be all and end all of a training regime, but can help incrementally as you reach peak physical condition.